Green Cleaning Specialists

eco-friendly products, experienced self-employed professionals, guaranteed quality, and competitive pricing.

Our affordable rates and exceptional green cleaning services make eco-friendly living accessible to all.

The world around us is changing, and therefore the way we live must change too. Here at Magic Pixies we use only eco-friendly non-toxic cleaning products whilst caring for your home to the highest standard. With over 3 and a half years expertise in the field, we have an eco-friendly solution for every problem.

And – not only will you have a beautifully clean home, but you will in turn be helping the environment! 

Why Go Green?

Why go green? Eco-friendly cleaning products don’t just have a positive impact on the environment, but are far safer and healthier for you, your family and your home!

Indoor Air Pollution

We are all aware of air pollution when outdoors, but did you know this is the same for when we are indoors? Indoor air pollution is dust, dirt or gases in the air inside that harm us when inhaled. It can be caused by many things – one of which being the harsh chemicals in ordinary cleaning products. These chemicals can cause numerous health issues and allergies.

The Environment

Cleaning products end up in our air and in our waterways, killing wildlife and triggering an imbalance in our eco-system. Plastic packaging from cleaning products biodegrades very slowly, and can often end up in our oceans. Using eco-friendly products not only benefits our health in our home, but that of the world around us.

Everyone has the right to a clean home without the health risks that often can come with using hazardous cleaning products. We believe it’s important that we educate people on health risks they may not be aware of, in addition to the negative effect these products have on the outside world. The positive thing? All of this can be avoided, by using eco-friendly, green cleaning products, like we do here at Magic Pixies.

Why Jenny's Green Cleaning?

We are self-employed cleaners in Seattle and we have over four years experience in cleaning people’s homes to the highest of standards, without using any harmful chemicals. We want every single one of our customers to have a home they are proud of, and we promise to leave it sparkling! 

Despite our lower prices, we never cut corners when it comes to the quality of our services. As experienced, professional cleaners, we have the skills and efficiency to provide a thorough, top-notch clean in less time than our competitors. This means you can enjoy a sparkling clean home and the benefits of eco-friendly cleaning products without breaking the bank. 

We hope to not only encourage the use of eco-friendly cleaning products, but encourage a greener life in general. We understand that making lifestyle changes can be difficult and takes time, but green living is exactly that: a lifestyle! We want to show you that an eco-friendly lifestyle is easy to follow through our research and resources, educating and guiding you on your journey to greener living.

High Standard Of Cleaning
Less Toxic Chemicals In Your Home & The Environment
Guaranteed low prices without compromising quality
Experienced, self-employed, and hardworking couple

Who Are We

As a mother and an eco-conscious individual, I am passionate about creating a safe, healthy living environment for families while protecting the planet.
Founder, Mother and Wife
Jay shares my commitment to excellence and sustainability, and his attention to detail ensures that every home we clean meets our high standards.
Father and Husband

Low Price Guarantee

Tired of overpaying for cleaning services that don't live up to your expectations? At Jenny's Green Cleaning, we offer affordable, high-quality green cleaning services that won't break the bank, so you can enjoy a sparkling clean home without the hefty price tag.